This article, Death (The One Who Theorizes), is the sole property of The One Who Theorizes and cannot be used, edited, or referenced without their permission, with the exception of collaboration articles, whereas terms listed above are unserviceable. |
- "In the end, all roads lead to me."
- ―Death to Lilia Calderu
Death is a cosmic entity, the embodiment of death and decay of all living things.
Death came into existence at the dawn of time shortly after the Living Tribunal, along with other cosmic entities such as Eternity, Infinity, and Oblivion. Over time, Death was portrayed in various legends across the cosmos, with various races aware of its existence. Due to her multiversal nature, to interact with specific universes and lesser beings, she created her main avatar, called Lady Death, present in every reality, sent to carry out Death's will without Death needing to personally intervene and preserve The Natural Order within a Local Tree. With the emergence of sapient races, Death began to choose certain beings, into whom it would imbue a fraction of its cosmic power and task them with carrying out its work for that planet/people, forming the Emissaries of Death, with Lady Death personally instructing and guiding them on doing so. Death normally does not intervene in events, preferring to let its minions sort it out, unless there is greater disruptions in the natural order of things.
After Thanos' Snap, Lady Death appeared to Thanos and coldly reprimanded him about what he have done and tells him that he will regret doing that. Lady Death lured the Avengers to Thanos' location and, by encouraging Thor to kill him, Lady Death used his death to keep The Natural Order stable until the balance is restored, which would eventually happen when Lady Death helped the Avengers to gather the Infinity Stones and having Hulk performing the Blip.
In 2026, Lady Death resurfaced again when Agatha Harkness, having lost and not using the Darkhold in years, finally lost her ability to hide from her and the Scarlet Witch's spell she was trapped within was on its final days, Lady Death is intent on personally killing the legendary witch for disrespecting her and using Dark Magic to disrupt the natural order of things carelessly, she took Rio Vidal's form and went to attack her on her house, but gave up seeing that Harkness no longer had her powers, so she resumed her disguise and informed the Salem's Seven of Harkness's whereabouts, silently following her down the Witches' Road and trying to kill her and her newly formed coven. She tasked Rio Vidal with collecting Billy Maximoff's soul as his reencarnation was disrupting The Natural Order, and also have lured Nicholas Scratch and Natalia Harkness-Vidal into the Witches' Road so they could have their revenge on Agatha while promissing to give them the power to subdue their enemies.
When Vidal resurrected Lilia Calderu and deliberately did not use someone else to "take her place", Lady Death interrupted the Trials and confronted Vidal, Harkness and her coven personally on the Witches' Road right before Vidal's trial, where she was eventually dissuaded and she removed Vidal from her position, and she used Karina and Laurus' deaths to take Lilia's place. After returning to Earth, Vidal offered the death of Diarus, one of the two remaining members of Salem's Seven, to take Billy and Lilia's place in The Natural Order, which Lady Death accepted and restored Vidal to her position, and later confronts Harkness to take her life. When Harkness is willing to sacrifice herself to keep her coven save from Lady Death, she curses in Spanish out of rage and tells Harkness she is ruining her hunt.
Lady Death tells Harkness that she came to claim the life of "an arrogant little dark witch who thought she was immortal", but no longer sees that in Harkness' character anymore. Knowing now that Harkness understands the importance about the end of life, Lady Death accepts defeat by telling Harkness to live her life well, reminding that they will meet again once Harkness dies or passes away from natural causes. Harkness accepts this by saying that she will accept whatever fate has planned for her when they meet each other again. Satisfied by Harkness' response, Lady Death happily departs from Earth.
In 2027, Lady Death resurfaced after T'Challa's son, T'Challa II, attempted to contact his father through necromancy and their souls were switched, accidentally resurrecting his father and killing himself in the process, disrupting The Natural Order. Lady Death comes into conflict with Shuri and the Wakandan Royal Family as she attempts to reverse the switch by forcibly taking T'Challa's second life. Their conflict ends when Shuri awakens her latent magical abilities and become the Queen of the Dead, so she uses necromancy to reverse the switch, satisfying Lady Death, and she happily departs from Earth.
Alternate Realities[]
Reality 10005[]
In this reality, Lady Death manifested herself when Cassandra Nova began using the Time Ripper to destroy Reality 10005 and its entire Local Tree, and was almost killing Cassandra Nova with her dagger when the Time Ripper colapsed and destroyed it and Nova.
Lady Death then turned Deadpool and Wolverine into the Anchor Beings of this reality, and appeared in front of them, thanking them for their deeds and for being willing to sacrifice themselves to save their reality. Lady Death later attended to Deadpool's party.
True Personality[]
Death is extremely cold, aloof and enigmatic, seeing themselves as completely disengaged with the physical universe and its inhabitants. They've often stated that they view humans similarly to how humans would view a fictional character, something that doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things and doesn't deserve an extra thought. Death is only concerned with their function as a reaper of souls, even when involved in the wildest of situations the mind can imagine. They rarely interfere in the mortal plane, often leaves this task to their servants and the various Death and Underworld Gods, as well as their main avatar, Lady Death, across all realities. They can't be persuaded from their goal nor can they be bargained with, as Odin has described them, they're a "true conceptual agent of the law".
Despite their quiet and distant attitude, they showed a sibling bond towards their twin counterpart/sister Life, and being with her while preserving and maintaining the balance and cycle of life and death. They have also shown to respect their elder brother Living Tribunal's authority and power. They are also on good terms with Eternity and from time to time visit him to talk about important events and happenings in the Creation, and have a friendly rivalry since they are opposite forces.
Lady Death's Personality[]
- "I've missed you, do you like this face?"
"I hate you"
"How long has it been, Agatha? " - ―Lady Death to Agatha Harkness while possessing Rio Vidal's body
Death's main avatar, known as Lady Death, displays more emotion and humanity in her interactions. Lady Death is a cunning, unpredictable, and sinister individual whose sole purpose is to take the souls of the dead. While her better nature is to wait for mortals to die naturally without intervention, if someone angers or offends her enough, especially by disrupting the natural order of things, she will physically manifest herself to attempt to forcibly take their life. Lady Death has sadistic tendencies and thrives on a good fight, she also takes a certain pride and pleasure in her work, enjoying the chance to hunt and toy with her victims until she is ready to end their lives properly. She also enjoys instilling fear in her victims, openly admitting that she finds the smell of fear "intoxicating". Lady Death also likes to play tricks with her targets, mocking and taunting them with sarcastic jokes, using her powers to scare them.
However, despite her sinister nature, Lady Death does have a sense of morality and a code of honor, as her main reason for pursuing Agatha Harkness in the first place was to punish the witch for using Dark Magic and recklessly disrupting The Natural Order, and openly disrespecting her through claims such as "Agatha Harkness laughs in the face of death". However, although she harbored much anger towards Agatha Harkness, she willingly spared her life while acknowledging that Harkness had become a better person who deserved to live in the end. This indicates that despite representing the end of mortal life, Lady Death still considers life sacred and is only disgusted by those who do not treat their own lives with true appreciation or care, and who believe they can avoid dying altogether. Although her encounters and battles with Harkness prove that she is incapable of being defeated, it is still implied that she respects people who understand the value of life and who accept that they cannot avoid it when the time comes. She is also capable of setting aside her grudges in favor of positive change and respect, as represented by her willingness to let Harkness live and wish her a good life.
Due to it nigh-omnipotent power and it incredibly advanced age, Lady Death is completely distanced from the rest of the universe, rarely showing herself connecting to the people or beings who live within it. She even went so far as to compare Ikaris to a bacterium, as if to state that her view on the importance of humans is just like how humans view the importance of bacterium. Additionally, she cares very little for major events of the world like the emmergence of Tiamut, and despite her coerced involvement by Arishem, she only pays the events vague interest, resulting in her tendency to wander off from her assigned targets. However, if those events escalonate into disrupting The Natural Order she values so much, she won't hesitate in interveining to correct the situation, such as when she helped the Avengers to find Thanos and kill him so he would take the place of all the ones he killed in the Snap, and later also helped them to retrieve the Infinity Stones and undo the Snap.
Overall, Lady Death is best described as a stern and dangerous, yet honorable and reasonable spirit who takes her work seriously. She enjoys a thrilling challenge and is more than happy to punish mortals who greatly underestimate the severity of what she represents, but she does not kill for the sake of it, and is capable of respecting and sparing those who prove her wrong.
- Cosmic Entity Physiology: Death is a cosmic entity who has existed since the dawn of time, native from the Ninth Dimension, alongside other cosmic beings such as Eternity, Infinity and Oblivion. It is the embodiment of death in the universe.
- Immortality: As the embodiment of death, Death cannot die or be destroyed.
- Nigh-Invulnerability: As the embodiment of death and a cosmic entity, Death is nearly indestructable, and only other Cosmic Entities can cause harm to her. In Reality 10005, when the Time Ripper collpased and exploded, Lady Death was completely unaffected and unharmed by the energy released, which was powerful enough to destroy entire timelines.
- Parallel Existence: Death exist in every parallel universe or parallel timeline while having an absolute existence in every parallel universe.
- Nigh-Omnipotence: As a cosmic entity, Death could do almost anything that it desired, possessing near infinite supernatural power.
- Balance Manipulation: As a cosmic entity, Death can manipulate the balance of existence, The Natural Order, a concept that deals with the equilibrium and stability of opposites, essentially acting like a form of reality warping, where users can manifest opposites in any event or infringe on the concept itself.
- Balance Preservation: Death is able to maintain, preserve and enforce the internal and external balance between two or more opposing forces in order the keep things in balance for the sake of the natural or cosmic order of the universe. Death can use one's death to preserve balance and preventing it from destabilizing until it is properly restored, even using it so if another one's death could be reversed without upsetting The Natural Order, such as when she used Thanos' death to preserve the balance and keep it stable until the Blip, where the Avengers restored the balance by bringing them back to life. Death can use one's death to preserve balance and preventing it from destabilizing until it is properly restored, even using it so if another one's death could be reversed without upsetting The Natural Order, such as when she used Thanos' death to preserve the balance and keep it stable until the Blip, where the Avengers restored the balance by bringing them back to life.
- Life and Death Manipulation: Death can control the flow and balance of life and death. It holds absolute supremacy over forces of nature.
- Soul Manipulation: Death can manipulate souls, the incorporeal and immortal essence of a living thing.
- Resurrection: As it was literally the bringer of death, Death could resurrect all forms of life back to any state it so desired, such as living or undead states. However, as it violated The Natural Order, it almost never did this due to the domino effect it caused.
- Reanimation: During her duel with Agatha Harkness, Death reanimated her old coven as undead zombies and sent them to attack her.
- Healing: Death has the ability to heal others wounds and illness. After her fight with Agatha, Death licked the witch's hand where it had been cut, when Agatha looked back at her hand, the wound had healed.
- Death Inducement: Death can instantly kill any living being through varying means.
- Decomposition Manipulation: Death can accelerate the decomposition of organic matter, as she did with the body of Diarus.
- Soul Manipulation: Death can manipulate souls, the incorporeal and immortal essence of a living thing.
- Avatar Creation: Death is capable of creating avatars, manifestations, and extensions of himself that can be used to perceive and interact with different environments without being truly physically present, sensing through the avatar's senses, and this avatar may or may not have consciousness and will of its own. Death's main avatar is Lady Death, a conscient avatar with its own emotions and personality, sent to carry out Death's will in certain matters without Death needing to personally intervene, preserving The Natural Order and instructing Death's subordinates in making their job.
- Reality Warping: As a cosmic entity, Death can change, create, or even destroy parts of or the entirety of reality, having absolute control over the fabric of reality and can bend it to its will. Death was able to turn Deadpool and Wolverine into the new Anchor Beings of Reality 10005.
- Shapeshifting: As a cosmic entity and a 9-dimensional being, Death's true form is beyond comprehension and completely weird and eldritch, but she can effortlessly change between her true form and any other form she desires in order to interact with lesser beings, usually taking the form of the mythological Grim Reaper. As Lady Death, she usually takes the form of someone her targets know.
- Possession: Death is capable of possessing living beings, taking control of their bodies and minds and using them as if they were its own. Death can also do this with its avatars, even autonomous and self-aware ones like Lady Death, where by using this ability, their minds are erased, with Death taking full control of their bodies, no longer being distinct entities but one and the same, Death can also leave and restore her avatars whenever she wishes.
- Power Bestowal: Death is capable of bestowing a fraction of its immense cosmic power into beings it deems worthy, tasking them with carrying out its work for that planet/people, forming the Emissaries of Death, the main examples being the Dauðinn as the Reaper of Asgard and the green witch Rio Vidal as the Reaper of Earth.
- Power Absorption Immunity: Death, as a cosmic entity and the embodiment of mortality, possesses powers that are inherently unabsorbable. Any attempt to absorb them results in the instant death of the individual, as these powers are inseparable from Death's essence.
- Invisibility: Like its siblings, Death could only be seen when it wanted to be seen and only by those it wanted. Death usually is only visible for the dead or those near death.
- Elemental Manipulation: Death can create, shape and manipulate elements, such as the classical elements (earth, air, fire, and water) and other elements such as ice, electricity, light and etc.
- Air Manipulation: Death can create, shape and manipulate air. Death can manipulate the currents of air around her and concentrate them into a focused blast. Lady Death was able to create powerful blasts of wind in her fight with Agatha to blow down her door and push her across the room.
- Levitation: After hiting Harkness, Lady Death managed to magically rise up using the wind.
- Plant Manipulation: Death can create vines to attack and trap her enemies, as she did to Agatha Harkness and her coven during their battle before Rio Vidal's trial.
- Weather Manipulation: Death can create and control powerful storms, with the storm clouds tinted green.
- Air Manipulation: Death can create, shape and manipulate air. Death can manipulate the currents of air around her and concentrate them into a focused blast. Lady Death was able to create powerful blasts of wind in her fight with Agatha to blow down her door and push her across the room.
- Telekinesis: Death has the ability to move, levitate and otherwise manipulate objects with its mind.
- Telepathy: Death demonstrated the power to mentally interact with other living beings, allowing it to read their thoughts, emotions, desires, etc. Death appear in Lilia's hallucination in its true form, and later appeared in Lilia's divination with Rio Vidal's form.
- Teleportation: Death is able to transport itself into any place it want. After gaving up fighting with a powerless Agatha, Lady Death teleported away.
- Balance Manipulation: As a cosmic entity, Death can manipulate the balance of existence, The Natural Order, a concept that deals with the equilibrium and stability of opposites, essentially acting like a form of reality warping, where users can manifest opposites in any event or infringe on the concept itself.
- Nigh-Omniscience: Death is nearly omniscient, knowing all that has, would and will happen, specially when it comes to near-death and death experiences, also possessing near infinite knowledge of the Multiverse, it understood the supernatural world, concepts of life and death, The Natural Order.
- Nigh-Omnipresence: Death is not limited by space and time to any degree, allowing it to exist simultaneously in any location in the Multiverse. Primarily, Death is present in any location where death occurs or in any location where death is a possibility. Despite letting its subordinates collect the souls of the dead, Death claims to be present and to have witnessed every death that has occurred, is occurring, and will occur.
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Family[]Allies[] |
Enemies[] |
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Behind the Scenes[]
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