Marvel Cinematic Universe Fanon Wiki

Scott Summers, also known as Cyclops, is a Mutant who was mentored by Professor X and earned a place in the X-Force. After joining the Illuminati, he was present at the time when Sofia Chavez and a different Doctor Strange were brought here as prisoners until Wanda Maximoff would launch an attack inside the Illuminati Headquarters. Even though he tried his best to fight off Wanda Maximoff, his efforts was proven futile, but had managed to survive. However, he would deeply mourn the lost of his mentor and friend Charles Xavier, who had sacrificed his life to buy Sofia and Doctor Strange a chance to get to the Book of Vishanti.

The death of Charles Xavier caused Scott to seek revenge for what had happened, in which he was responsible for murdering Wanda Maximoff. Taking leadership over the Illuminati along with Steve Rogers, Monica Rambeau, Jules St. Thomas, Queen Medusa, and Susan Storm, Scott would learn of the Multiverse when he and the leaders were visited by Doctor Doom, who offered them a deal to hunt down every variant of Wanda Maximoff until they discover the right one in exchange to help him bring order across the Multiverse. While unaware of Doom's actual plan to conquer all realities in the Multiverse, Scott was the first to accept this and sided with Doom.



In his youth, Scott was angry and troubled while attending school, only for his brother Alex to take him to a gifted school that was run by his old friend Charles Xavier. While growing up, Scott loved being mentored by Professor X and viewed him as a father figure in his life. However, he would sometimes carry a bad habit of getting in trouble at school, due to his more rebellious nature. As a grown man, Scott often makes decisions while in battle, in which he was involved in the fight against Thanos. He even viewed Stephen Strange as his personal idol and felt upset having to watch his friend being executed by Black Bolt. However, what he didn't know about that Stephen's death was actually a sacrfice, in which his mentor Charles was the only one to tell him the truth that Stephen knew that his death would prevent an Incursion from happening since he looked into the Darkhold.

Feeling guilty that he failed to stop Wanda Maximoff from killing the leading figures of the Illuminati, including Charles Xavier, Scott believed that Charles died a hero, but now seeks revenge on Wanda Maximoff and agrees to Doctor Doom's offer in hunting down every variant of Wanda Maximoff until they found the right one in exchange to bring order to the Multiverse. Although, he was unaware that Doctor Doom was seeking to conquer all realities across the Multiverse. He showed no remorse when he murdered this universe's Wanda Maximoff as a way to get the justice he needed to avenge his love ones.




  • Expert Combatant:
  • Expert Pilot:
  • Skilled Leader:




  • Endless Resurgence
    • Thanos Rex
    • Black Order
  • Wanda Django Maximoff † - Victim
  • Von Doom Loyalists
    • Victor Werner von Doom / Doctor Doom - Former Ally
    • Jules St. Thomas - Former Ally
    • Zora Vukovic / Victorious - Former Ally

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