This article, The Natural Order (The One Who Theorizes), is the sole property of The One Who Theorizes and cannot be used, edited, or referenced without their permission, with the exception of collaboration articles, whereas terms listed above are unserviceable. |
The Natural Order or what is usually called the Rules or The Balance, is a powerful force, collection of almighty laws and rules that governs Creation and all aspects. It is impartial and it is not known how long it has existed, since it was the first thing created by the One Above All.
Some of the disturbances of the Natural Order do not pose many significant dangers to existence as a whole, yet they are strongly discouraged. It is said that when disturbances to the Natural Order end, a reset occurs and a new balance is established.
Fundamental Laws of Magic[]
The Fundamental Laws of Magic are the laws and rules that govern all Magic, similar to how the laws of chemistry, physics, and biology govern reality and nature. The origin of the Fundamental Laws of Magic are as mysterious as the origin of Magic itself. All is known that they were created by the Elder God Demiurge, and they are as old as Magic itself, these Fundamental Laws were studied and discovered by many sorcerers and witches across centuries. The known Fundamental Laws of Magic are:
- Law 1: Magic will always choose the path of least resistance. Magic will naturally flow in a way that requires the least effort or energy. Practitioners must understand this principle to effectively harness their abilities, as complex spells may fail if there is an easier route for the magic to take.
- Law 2: Real magic takes time to fully manifest. Once a spell is cast, it requires time to marinate and gestate before it takes full effect. The time needed can decrease with the caster’s skill and power. This encourages patience and skill development among practitioners.
- Law 3: All magic systems operate like a muscle. Practitioners must regularly practice and train to develop and maintain their magical abilities. Failure to do so results in atrophy of their powers, making recovery difficult and requiring focused effort.
- Law 4: Most forms of magic are innate and hereditary. Magic is often passed down through bloodlines, and while bloodline strength can influence the starting potency of one's magic, all practitioners must train to fully unlock their potential.
- Law 5: The more a practitioner uses darker forms of magic, the more their mind is corrupted by it. Using dark magic enhances a practitioner's deepest desires and fears, which can lead to insanity if left unchecked. Corruption is challenging to reverse and often requires purification spells or rituals.
- Law 6: Certain types of magic counterbalance others. Some magic systems, like white and dark magic, are designed to counteract each other, creating a balance in the magical landscape.
- Law 7: Each magic system has its own set of rules and laws. Practitioners of one magic system do not automatically understand another. Training is necessary for effective spellcasting in different systems, with cross-training being challenging, especially between opposing systems.
- Law 8: Certain magic systems allow interaction with magical objects and dimensions. Systems like Sorcery and Dark Magic provide the ability to manipulate magical artifacts or traverse dimensions, but this requires great expertise and carries inherent risks.
- Law 9: All magic systems require specific focus and intent. Spells are cast through gestures, incantations, or mental focus, with the complexity of the spell often dictating the level of focus required. Some systems may necessitate additional elements, such as sacrifices or ritual objects.
- Law 10: Magic can draw from different sources. Various types of magic access unique sources. Each source presents its own risks and rewards, and overuse can lead to corruption or possession.
- Law 11: No practitioner can become omnipotent. While magic can grow stronger through practice, inherent limitations exist based on the user's skill or the laws that rule over existence.
- Law 12: Magicians use magical energy to power their spells. As practitioners train, they expand their reservoir of magical energy, allowing more powerful spells to be cast with simpler actions over time.
- Law 13: Proximity to other mages amplifies magical power. When mages are near one another, their magic interacts and strengthens, particularly in covens, where the collective energy enhances individual abilities.
- Law 14: Lineage leaders have full potential within their system. Direct descendants of the first practitioner of a magic system can explore its full potential without limits, while others face natural limitations regardless of skill.
- Law 15: No magical system can be permanently extinguished. Even if all practitioners of a system are killed and the knowledge is lost, a new practitioner will eventually arise, whether through innate ability or by mastering the system from another lineage.
- Law 16: Once a spell is cast, it cannot be changed. A spell, once initiated, remains fixed. If the caster dies or loses their magic, the spell becomes nearly irreversible, eventually fading away if it loses its energy source.
- Law 17: Powerful spells can only be undone by the caster or practitioners of equal power. High-energy spells require equal or greater skill and power to be undone, making them particularly challenging to reverse once established.
- Law 18: Magic always leaves traces or residual energy. Every spell cast leaves behind remnants of magical energy, which can be sensed or harnessed by skilled practitioners.
- Law 19: All living beings have a magical spark within them. This spark enables the use of magic, and the permanent absorption or theft of magical energy is only possible if no spark remains; otherwise, the target can gradually recover their lost magic.
- Law 20: Intention, commitment, and concentration affect spell outcomes. The caster’s mindset influences how the magic manifests. Misaligned intentions or lack of focus can lead to volatile outcomes or negative effects.
- Law 21: Spellcasting must be completed once started. A spell, once initiated, cannot be interrupted. Failing to complete the casting can result in dangerous backlashes, including explosive failures, curses turning against the caster, or the spell simply not working at all.
- Law 22: Undone spells return to raw magical essence. When spells are unraveled, the magic does not vanish; instead, it transforms back into raw magical essence, which can be harnessed by practitioners. This raw essence is volatile and requires skill to control.
- Law 23: The only way to end a negative spell is to face it. To neutralize a negative spell, such as a curse, the affected individual must confront the spell's consequences directly, facing their fears or the challenges presented by the magic.
- Law 24: Every magical action, such as spells and etc, always have a reaction of equal force. It may not always come instantly, but it always come.
Multiversal Elements, Constants, Laws and Phenomena[]
Nexus Event[]
A Nexus Event is the name used by the Time Variance Authority for the quantum fluctuations that create a branch of a Sacred Timeline, as well as the quantum fluctuations that create a new Sacred Timeline.
Absolute Point in Time[]
Specific events within a universe whose consequences have a major influence on the fate of that universe become fixed, immutable, and unalterable. If an Absolute Point in Time were to be broken, it would trigger a space-time paradox that would cause the universe to collapse in on itself.
Multiversal Travel[]
Multiversal Travel is the concept of traveling into another universe, be it a branch located in the Local Tree that universe belongs, or a another Local Tree. The known Laws of Multiversal Travel are:
- Law 1: Alternate universes are kept stable and separate by invisible cosmic filaments, and those filaments are nearly undestructable, so breaking through them to travel across realities require immense energy from higher planes of existence, such as the FIfth and Sixth Dimension.
- Law 2: The cosmic filaments are not present within the Local Tree, so the travel between branches is way more easy.
- Law 3: As branches are located within the same Local Tree and follow the same universal laws, travelers can remain there as long as they please, however, the same doesn't apply when travelling to another Local Tree, potentially triggering Incursions.
When a being travels between the Local Trees, its presence destabilizes the cosmic filaments that keep the Local Trees stable and separate, and the greater the change the traveler causes in the universe visited, the weaker the filament will become, to the point where it will rupture and cause the visited universe and the traveler's home universe to collide and merge, in a cosmic event that results in the complete destruction of one or both.
Time Travel[]
Time Travel is the concept of traveling either backwards or forwards in time from the present date. The known Laws of Time Travel are:
- Law 1: If the time-traveler goes back in time to the past of their own timeline, this action often produces a clean split which causes the creation of a new timeline since the future cannot change if the past is altered.
- Law 2: The new timeline that has been created as a result of time travel will follow the same path as to the one it diverged from. However, this can change according to the further actions of the time-traveler in the branched timeline.
- Law 3: For one universe, there are several parallel universes. If one perceives the future, it is likely that said person is just sensing the nearest future of their timeline in the timestream.
- Law 4: Time travelling methods that draw energy from higher dimensions, such as the Fifth Dimension, are the only ones that can travel backwards or forwards without creating divergences in the timeline. The known methods that allow it are:
- TVA and Kang's technology, which draw energy from the Sixth and Seventh Dimension.
- Energy from the Quantum Realm.
- Infinity Stones.
- Law 5: If there is a causal loop within the timeline, then time travel will not create a branch in time.
Life and Death Cycle[]
There is a cycle of life and death in the universe, which are ruled by laws that ensure a balance between them, preventing them from fully dominating, the known laws of life and death cycle are:
- Law 1: Every living thing that is born will someday die.
- Law 2: The death of a living being is determined by a bunch of factors: physical and mental health, lifestyle, choices and environment. However, when death happens, it is permanent and cannot be reversed without risking creating a ripple effect of deaths before and after their correct time.
- Law 3: The only method in which death can be reversed without disrupting The Natural Order is by taking another life to "take their place".
- Law 4: Once dead, a being can choose not to go to the afterlife and remain in the physical plane, becoming Ghosts.
- Law 5: The afterlife one's soul is sent after death is determined by their beliefs, familiarity with them, serving and/or worshipping supernatural beings.
Types of Special Beings[]
Nexus Beings[]
Nexus Beings are agents of the Queen of Nevers, the embodiment of possibility. They are rare individual entities with the ability to affect probability and the future, altering the flow of a Sacred Timeline. These beings, each referred to as a nexus, act as the keystones of the Multiverse and are crucial to its ultimate coherence and stability. Nexus beings are vigilantly watched over by cosmic forces such as the Time Variance Authority to be aware of any temporal changes that the nexi may cause to the timeline and act accordingly.
Each universe has one nexus being, and as one dies, another will be born. The nexus personifies the "character" of their universe, anchors its reality, and acts as its node of mystic energy. It has been claimed that no two nexus beings can exist on the same plane of reality, though this has been inconsistent in practice. Nexus Beings have a vague empathic connection. When one suffers deep pain, the emotion ripples to other nexus beings across the Multiverse.
Although they can be similar, no two nexus beings are identical. Some nexus beings are even variants of each other. Each nexus being may have a power unique to themselves, but they all affect probability, whether they know it or not. A hypothetical "Ultimate Nexus" can exist, who would have influence over all possible realities in all possible worlds and would be the recipient of all the nexus-powers in the Multiverse.
Anchor Beings[]
Anchor Beings are beings whose existence is so vital to their universe that their death sparks the slow decimation of their universe in 2,000 years.
Unlike Nexus Beings, Anchor Beings are unique individuals and are always sapient, and naturally only occur once. When they die, the cosmic entities gather to decide whether that universe should continue to live, and if they agree that it should, Life will induce the birth of a new Anchor Being. Even if the cosmic entities decided to let the universe die, they can reconsider their decision if a individual proves themselves worthy to be the new Anchor Being, though it is quite rare, with the most notable case being Deadpool and Wolverine in Reality 10005, with Death turning them into the new Anchor Beings of that reality after their heroic and selfless sacrifice.